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Ahead of the Curve: Mastering the Art of Proactive Herbalism

Shalom, family! Today, I want to take a moment to discuss an important concept that has resonated with me deeply: the proactive nature of herbalism. As practitioners, it is crucial for us to approach herbal medicine with a proactive mindset, understanding that time is a precious resource that cannot be regained.

In this blog post, I will break down three key reasons why and how we should embrace a proactive approach in herbalism.


1. Understanding Patterns of Illness:

One of the fundamental aspects of being proactive as an herbalist is recognizing the patterns of illness and how diseases spread. By incorporating the holistic methods of our African ancestors through African herbalism, we can gain insights into these patterns. Observing the proof that lies before us, we can identify the sequence in which illnesses occur and progress.

Main takeaway: We acknowledge that each individual has unique susceptibilities to specific ailments. By delving deeper into these patterns, we can address the root causes rather than merely treating the symptoms.

For example, let's consider Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition that affects many women. Research shows that around 40% of women with PCOS will develop pre-diabetes or diabetes by the age of 40. While focusing solely on the reproductive system is essential, it is equally crucial to examine the link between insulin and PCOS. Excess insulin production leads to an increase in androgens (male hormones), which contribute to various PCOS symptoms. To achieve true healing and restoration, it is essential to address the root cause rather than focusing solely on the reproductive system.

Similarly, kidney disease and high blood pressure are closely interconnected. The kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure, and any issues with the kidneys can lead to renal hypertension. If we only focus on strengthening the heart to address high blood pressure without addressing kidney health, the problems will persist. Proactive herbalism prompts us to consider the interconnectedness of bodily systems and strive for comprehensive healing.


2. Recognizing Individual Susceptibilities:

Every person has their own set of susceptibilities to certain illnesses. Some may rarely experience colds and flu but face different health challenges, while others may have recurring issues with specific conditions. While hereditary factors play a role in these susceptibilities, lifestyle choices and dietary habits also significantly impact our health. As families tend to share similar lifestyles and dietary practices, certain conditions can appear to run in families.

If you, as a parent, struggle with a particular health concern, it is essential to adopt a diet and lifestyle conducive to healing and addressing those imbalances. By introducing your children to proper nutrition and healthy habits from an early age, you can prevent the manifestation of these susceptibilities.

Main Takeaway: As an adult, you can’t blame anyone other than yourself!

Remember, each person has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is our responsibility to empower ourselves and our loved ones with the knowledge to make proactive choices.


3. Food as Medicine:

Every day presents us with a fresh opportunity to nourish our bodies and consume a diverse array of phytonutrients from whole foods. These nutrients are essential for optimal bodily function, making food a powerful form of medicine. While herbal remedies can provide concentrated doses of specific compounds, we must also prioritize the regular intake of nutritious foods. By making food our medicine, we establish a proactive approach to health, strengthening our bodies and preventing the onset of illnesses.

Embarking on a proactive herbal journey requires establishing new habits, which studies suggest can take around 24 days to form. The sooner we begin, the easier it becomes to adopt these positive changes. By taking action today, we invest in a healthier tomorrow.

Main takeaway: Time is a non-renewable resource, and our bodies have limits. Let's be proactive, listen to our bodies' whispers, and make the necessary adjustments before they worsen.


Embracing a proactive approach in herbalism is not only crucial but also empowering. By understanding patterns of illness, recognizing individual susceptibilities, and utilizing food as medicine, we can take charge of our well-being and create a foundation for long-term health. As herbalists, it is our responsibility to address the root causes of ailments and promote comprehensive healing.

By being proactive, we acknowledge the preciousness of time and strive for optimal health and vitality. Let us remember that our bodies have limits, and time is a non-renewable resource. So, let us listen to our bodies, make the necessary adjustments, and embark on a proactive herbal journey towards a healthier tomorrow.

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