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Yah's Apothecary

💐Creating an Oasis for the Daughters of Yah

🌿Cultivating Flourishing Health  
🌷Nurturing Thriving Businesses
🌱and Sowing an Everlasting Legacy

Yah's Apothecary is a renowned, holistic herb school and store which specializes in African based herbalism, that is bible-centered. We offer a wide array of educational resources such as books, videos, classes, courses and consultations. We are passionate about empowering herbalists with the knowledge and tools they need to care for themselves and their families. Our mission is to equip the next generation with the ability to think outside the box so that they can understand and apply their knowledge to all facets of life. Additionally, we are dedicated to assisting herbal entrepreneurs in establishing their own businesses, thereby expanding health and food options within our communities.

Founded by KhadiYah Preciado, Yah's Apothecary draws inspiration from several scriptures, particularly Exodus Chapter 30. Our purpose is to spread the good news and promote good health among Yah's children, honoring the name of the Creator.

Exo 30:25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, 

an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.

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Teaching thousands of women the steps to cultivate a

happier and healthier life!

"I spent a decade of my life dealing with hormonal imbalance, menstrual issues and constipation. To make it worse, my problems were ignored or left unexplained every time I asked doctors about it. I ate relatively healthy, but I still couldn't pinpoint what the issue was, which also meant that I couldn't do anything about it- until I became an herbalist. I'm a believer of herbs, because I've seen them work. They healed me and now I want to teach others what I learned after working with them nearly a decade later."

KhadiYah Preciado is a young stay at home wife and mother to two toddlers. On her small, less than quarter acre lot, she grows hundreds of pounds of food that she cooks from scratch and preserves on a daily basis. She loves gardening, raising chickens, and making natural beauty products and herbal remedies for her family. KhadiYah strives to be the best biblical homemaker that she can be!

Professionally, KhadiYah is a community herbalist, author and content creator. She specializes in teaching African and African American herbal traditions. She prides herself on being a self-professed "Kitchen Herbalist" and teaches others to be the same. Her "T.E.A. method" empowers students to craft unique, delectable, potent, and effective herbal blends. Her "4 Levels of Safety" offer a structured foundation, ensuring safe exploration of herbs. Her "4 Step Journey" embodies holistic healing, promoting gradual progress and deepening of knowledge.

Find her on YouTube @ Her Healthy Home

KhadiYah's channel is dedicated to teaching and motivating others. Her 700+ videos showcase a wide range of skills such as canning, cooking, gardening, homemaking, homeschooling, prepping, and homesteading. She also features hauls, herbal remedies and DIY recipes.

KhadiYah says


"I have been an essential oil user and product formulator for almost a decade. I also have hundreds of hours of experience in the herbal medicine field, which I am proud to be mostly self-taught. I'm a self proclaimed book worm, but I have written three of my own. My first was written before the age of 25. I also made a homeschooling curriculum before I had children of my own. "

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