Why I Study African Herbalism & You Should Too
Shalom, family! In today's video, I want to discuss the importance of adopting African herbalism and why more people should embrace the teachings of this ancient herbal culture. There are several reasons why I believe this is crucial.

Firstly, by embracing African herbalism, we are preserving our culture and supporting something that is truly ours. If we want to celebrate and appreciate our heritage, it doesn't make sense to adopt Western or other non-indigenous practices. It's important to understand the roots of our own herbal traditions and incorporate them into our holistic approach. By doing so, we can truly claim to get to the root cause of health issues and practice with a holistic mindset.
"By embracing African herbalism,
we preserve our culture and support something that is truly ours."

Secondly, not learning African herbalism perpetuates racial inequalities in healthcare. The statistics speak for themselves: the black maternal rate is three times the average, infant mortality rates for black children are higher, black women are more likely to have conditions like fibroids and Lupus, and we experience greater symptoms and worse outcomes in many illnesses. By not tailoring our healthcare and herbal practices to reflect our unique needs, we are accepting the mistreatment and perpetuating the same problems. It's time for change, and it needs to come from us.
"Learning African herbalism is a step towards addressing racial inequalities in healthcare and challenging the mistreatment we face."

"Our history matters, and we must not allow our contributions to be overlooked or forgotten."
Furthermore, by learning and practicing African herbalism, we honor our ancestors and keep their stories alive. We shouldn't allow their contributions to be overlooked or forgotten. Our history matters, and we must ensure that it is shared and celebrated. It's disheartening that African American history has been banned in some places, and we shouldn't participate in our own erasure by considering other systems of medicine as superior to our own.
To celebrate and appreciate our heritage,
it's essential to incorporate the roots of our own herbal traditions into our holistic approach!

As herbalists, we should strive to be authentic and bring something refreshing and different to the table. If we look and sound like everyone else, our legacy becomes non-existent. We need more skilled black herbalists who can work with their community and tailor their practices to suit their specific needs. Symptoms and health manifestations can vary among different populations, and it's crucial to have a deep understanding of the people we serve.
In conclusion, I encourage you to embrace African herbalism, preserve our culture, challenge racial inequalities in healthcare, and honor our ancestors. We all have a role to play in promoting positive change, and it starts with us. Let's be authentic, share our knowledge, and make a difference in the world of herbalism. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you in the next blog post.