Yah's Apothecary
💐Creating an Oasis for the Daughters of Yah
🌿Cultivating Flourishing Health
🌷Nurturing Thriving Businesses
🌱and Sowing an Everlasting Legacy
Yah's Apothecary is a renowned, holistic herb school and store which specializes in African based herbalism, that is bible-centered. We offer a wide array of educational resources such as books, videos, classes, courses and consultations. We are passionate about empowering herbalists with the knowledge and tools they need to care for themselves and their families. Our mission is to equip the next generation with the ability to think outside the box so that they can understand and apply their knowledge to all facets of life. Additionally, we are dedicated to assisting herbal entrepreneurs in establishing their own businesses, thereby expanding health and food options within our communities.
Founded by KhadiYah Preciado, Yah's Apothecary draws inspiration from several scriptures, particularly Exodus Chapter 30. Our purpose is to spread the good news and promote good health among Yah's children, honoring the name of the Creator.
Exo 30:25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment,
an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil.
Sa maison saine
KhadiYah Preciado est une jeune femme au foyer et mère de deux tout-petits. Sur son petit terrain de moins d'un quart d'acre, elle cultive des centaines de livres de nourriture qu'elle cuisine à partir de zéro et conserve quotidiennement. Elle aime jardiner, élever des poulets et fabriquer des produits de beauté naturels et des remèdes à base de plantes pour sa famille.KhadiYah s'efforce d'être la meilleure ménagère biblique qu'elle puisse être !
Professionnellement, KhadiYah est herboriste communautaire, auteur et créateur de contenu. Elle se spécialise dans l'enseignement des traditions à base de plantes africaines et afro-américaines. Elle se targue d'être une "herboriste de cuisine" autoproclamée et enseigne aux autres à faire de même. Elle a également inventé la méthode TEA pour enseigner à ses élèves comment préparer le mélange parfait de thé à chaque fois.
Retrouvez-la sur YouTube @Sa maison saine
La chaîne de KhadiYah est dédiée à l'enseignement et à la motivation d'autres ménagères du millénaire comme elle. Ses plus de 400 vidéos présentent un large éventail de compétences telles que la mise en conserve, la cuisine, le jardinage, l'entretien ménager, l'enseignement à domicile, la préparation et la ferme. Elle propose également des traits, des remèdes à base de plantes et des recettes de bricolage.
Become An HerbalistKhadiYah has two downloads to help those who want to become herbalists: Steps to Become am Herbalist Download Page Https://www.yahsapothecary.com/starthere Beginner Ebook Page Https://www.yahsapothecary.com/freebook If you're prepared to invest in our educational materials, please select the level at which you would like to begin. Beginner Friendly Everyday Herbs Kiddie Kitchen Apothecary Recipes From the Earth Good Smells Laminated Herbal Preparation Sheets + Library of Herbal Wisdom Plan Kitchen Herbalist Course Intermediate to Advanced Herbal Holistic Healing Textbook Herbal Holistic Healing Workbook Holistic Herb Journal (Materia Medica) + Holistic Practitioner Course Program Advanced Resources Practitioner Database Series (Book One and Two) + Practitioner Database Plan Grow Your Herbal Empire Program If you have any other questions, please let us know! Books: http://www.yahsapothecary.com/books Course: http://www.yahsapothecary.com/entercourse Plans: http://www.yahsapothecary.com/plans-pricing
Vous voulez rejoindre un cours ?Vous pouvez voir tous nos cours sur notre page Cours ou en vous rendant sur http://www.herhealthyhome.co/entercourse
Vous voulez trouver un cours en direct ?vous pouvez découvrir les cours en cliquant sur la page des cours ou en allant sur http://www.herhealthyhome.co/events
Payment Plan & Installment OptionsYah's Apothecary is pleased to announce the availability of payment plans through Affirm and AfterPay. Additionally, we offer Apple Pay, Google Pay, Tap to Pay, and Credit or Debit as payment options.
Questions about Herbs or a Specific Condition?Our team is not able to answer questions that are not directly related to the products and services offered by Yah's Apothecary. KhadiYah is currently taking consultations, you can schedule one here: www.yahsapothecary.com/consults If you have a question about herbs for a specific body system or condition, you may also visit out "Learn" page. Additionally, our search bar will help you find all of the relevant information and herbs for your specific concern that KhadiYah may have already addressed. For more detailed wellness programs, please visit our Practitioner Database which can be found on our Plans page. Plans Page www.yahsapothecary.com/plans-pricing Learn Page www.yahsapothecary.com/learn The search bar can be found at the top of the website.
Herbes en vrac?Allez ici : Herbes | Produits d'herbes pures | Sa Maison Saine
Free or Discounted ServicesWe encourage you to explore the wealth of free information available on our website, including hundreds of videos, newsletters, and blog posts. These resources can offer valuable insights and guidance for initiating positive changes. However, please understand that any further personalized assistance or support beyond these resources cannot be provided without the necessary investment. Alternatively, you may choose to contribute to our Study & Research Network. This student-led initiative is designed to connect those seeking free herbal education with opportunities to deepen their understanding through real case studies. Read more about why we DO NOT offer free services here!
Schedule a ConsultationKhadiYah is currently booked with clients for the 2024 calendar year. If you would like to receive a custom blend service, please click here. Please note this service may be sold out at any-time but you are welcome to join the waitlist.