When To Call Yourself an Herbalist! Are You Ready?
Shalom, Family!
Today, I want to share with you an exciting topic: when should you feel comfortable calling yourself an herbalist? What sets you apart as an "herbalist"? Let's dive in and explore the wonderful world of herbalism.
No Checklist, Just Confidence:
First and foremost, there is no definitive checklist you need to complete before considering yourself an herbalist. Often, people hesitate to embrace this title because they lack full confidence in their abilities. However, it's important to understand that expertise in herbalism comes in different levels. You can start as a beginner herbalist without any formal certifications. Unlike many professions that require degrees and official papers, herbalism follows a unique path. It's not about reading the most books or having the most information at your disposal. Herbalism is a personal journey, and everyone's experience is unique.
Intuition and Experience:

Being an herbalist goes beyond acquiring knowledge. It involves trusting your intuition, following your purpose, and embracing your passion. As you work more regularly with herbs and notice the profound impact they have on your life, you may find yourself transitioning from a casual interest to embodying herbalism. Intuition plays a significant role in this journey, allowing you to explore and discover the wonders of herbal remedies. Science may have guidelines, but sometimes traditional uses of herbs defy expectations and yield positive results. It's this personal experience and connection that truly defines an herbalist.
No Official Certification Required:

In the world of herbalism, there are no governing bodies that grant official certifications. Unlike regulated professions, there isn't a standardized authority to certify your expertise. So, what do you rely on? It's important to note that simply taking herbs internally, whether in the form of teas, tinctures, or extracts, doesn't automatically make you an herbalist. Similarly, using herbs for culinary purposes without delving into medicinal formulations doesn't diminish your credibility as an herbalist either. Defining herbalism becomes a challenge when we consider the therapeutic use of plants versus personal preferences. Essential oils, for instance, can be enjoyed for their aroma without necessarily being used medicinally.
Embracing Individuality:

Let go of rigid definitions and linear thinking when it comes to herbalism. Each person's journey will be unique, and that's what makes it beautiful. If you find yourself merely following and modeling after someone else, it's essential to question whether you have truly stepped into your purpose and passion. Remember, as an herbalist, you undergo a total relearning process, as this field differs greatly from others. It's crucial to recognize that herbalism, despite being the oldest form of medicine, still faces challenges in acceptance. Many terms associated with healing, curing, and herbal knowledge are now restricted due to legal and regulatory constraints.
Validation Comes from Within:

So, when should you call yourself an herbalist? It's not about seeking external validation or waiting for someone to praise your efforts. It's about the relationship between you and yourself, between you and the plants, and perhaps even between you and the Creator. The true certification comes from within. The knowledge bestowed upon you by the plants, your intuition, and your personal experiences are what truly certify you as an herbalist. It's not about being smart enough, too old, or having an extensive collection of herbs or books. All you need is the trust in yourself, the plants, and your journey.
Embracing your inner herbalist is a remarkable journey that transcends age, background, and material possessions. It's a decision between you and yourself, founded on trust and personal experiences. Let go of self-doubt, embrace your intuition, and acknowledge the wisdom of the plants!