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Next Level Tea Making: Blending Like A Boss!

  • 365 jours
  • 31 étapes



Paiement unique
599,00 $US
Student Membership Vault
197,00 $US

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Secret32 membres

Boxed teas are boring, dull and lifeless! I know that's harsh-but it's the truth. If that wasn't bad enough, traditional tea bags have glue and other toxic chemicals that outweigh the purported medicinal benefits of the herbs inside of them. What you may not know is that It is cheaper to make your own tea at home, it will taste better, and it will even be more potent! 🌿 Now the question is what to put in the tea and how to make it. Tea blending is an art, you can't just throw ingredients into a bowl, you need to know about tastes, actions and energetics, BEFORE you make your blend. With my T.E.A. Method It only takes 5 simple steps to make the perfect blend- every time, and once you learn it, it will be impossible to forget! My process will take the confusion, complication and guesswork out of the process so that you will confidently master making teas for yourself and others. 🌹 Craft your own fully custom blends  Learn which herbs are needed for your apothecary or herbal business Learn how to create formulas using multiple methods Confidently make herbal infusions, decoctions and sun teas 🫖 By the end of this course, you will make your own blend and get my personal feedback! Bonuses Herb Starter Kit (Chamomile, Hibiscus, Raspberry Leaf, Nettle & Lavender) to make your first creations Physical Copy of Everyday Herbs to try my delicious recipes Sample Client Consult Form for gathering important client information Herb Drug Interaction Video to avoid contraindications

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