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Mastering The Womb Course

  • 365 jours
  • 67 étapes



Paiement unique
1 299,00 $US
Student Membership Vault
197,00 $US

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Course Students

Secret32 membres

I never had regular periods until I became an herbalist. We're talking about over a decade of sporadic periods. I went to doctors, and no one knew what was going on. Then after one month of following my own herbal protocol, I finally found out how long my cycle was. I think back to when I had cramping and blood clotting, but I didn't know what to do...  While that was my story-but it doesn't have to be yours! We're helping women go from pain, shame, confusion, barrenness and brokenness to a happy, healthy transformed version of themselves. In this course I will explain IN DETAIL, what I did that ultimately changed my life! Get Yo' Groove Back! You don't have to feel bloated during that time of the month. You don't have to have hot flashes, adult acne, breast tenderness, spotting or infertility. Yes, you can prevent and shrink tumors and cysts without surgery! Be Healed! Includes The Womb Starter Kit (5 Herbs to start making recipes from the start) Printed Workbook with Notes & Recipes ($40 value) Holistic Herb Journal Hardcover ($60 Value) retain what you learn, collect scientific research, recipes, photos & more. Explore Birth Control, Regaining balance after the 💊 Alleviate abdominal cramps and heavy bleeding fast! Prevent and shrink fibroids & cysts Naturally boost fertility for yourself and your partner Natural treatments for Reproductive disorders and STDs Explore natural sources of iron, estrogen and progesterone Tone the uterus It is possible to regain balance and control of your body naturally with herbs. This is the holistic blueprint to mastering your womb.

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