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Healthcare Practitioners: Here's Why You Should Learn Herbs

In today's video we're going to discuss the reasons why I think all Healthcare practitioners, whether it's doctors or nurses, should all be more informed or more educated on herbs in order to inform their clients about herbs as well.



So the first reason is going to be for the options and accessibility. When it comes to looking at symptoms and then treating the symptoms it's not very person specific. When it comes to you know Pharmaceuticals, you may only have maybe a handful, maybe up to 10 remedies, whereas if you're looking at herbs, it just broadens the options to dozens and dozens of different herbs that can be beneficial.

The other thing is the options are usually more affordable. The average person takes at least three different medications, when they do take it. When it comes to our seniors, five or six is actually deemed normal. That can really add up and if you think about the amount of money that you would spend each year, it could be as much as the stimulus check or as much as your refund check if you get one every year.

Most people that are on medications will be using them for the foreseeable future, so you're not probably not going to get off the current medications that you have. There's no plan to get you off of it, it's just to manage your symptoms and so it can be really costly and if you can't afford it, then what do you do?

Herbs, on the other hand, tend to be much more affordable. Not only that, but you can buy the bulk herbs dried or you can get seeds and plant your own. Herbs are much more sustainable and you're much more prepared in that aspect.

The other aspect is that it cuts down on the need to go somewhere and pick something up. You're not having to wait on a phone call that your medication's ready or not having to wait for it to come in the mail. You can actually go to you know your local grocery store and get a large percentage of herbs; they now have little jars of organic herbs and the selection has broadened up quite a bit. Many of those culinary herbs and spices could be helpful, that's why I advocate for being a kitchen herbalist because you can use those herbs alone for the majority of things.

there's just so much more options,

accessibility and affordability,

when you look at herbs.


The second reason is the food aspect.

We eat food every day,, we need food to survive, we're already used to using herbs and spices to season and flavor our meals. Most of the times when you have an issue, it actually comes from your eating habits- bad eating habits can facilitate disease. Then, doesn't it make sense that food also should be what you use to remedy or to reverse all of the negative symptoms that is caused by the bad eating habits?

You always want to correct and address the root cause first so you want to address what you were doing wrong. Stop eating that but then add in or supplement with the things that are going to be better for you and better for your health. It's just a no-brainer to do that, to go from you know something that you have to use every day and making a change in that which is already a big aspect of your life, something you already have in your routine. It's easier to change, than it is to add on new things. It's already food, you can already use them as food and naturally all the different foods that we have, fruits and vegetables, herbs,, as well spices, will ward off a majority of illnesses anyway.

Be a little bit more tactical and focused on it. Most people already have them in their kitchen, so by telling them you can go home and start eating garlic to lower your blood pressure; there's a little higher likelihood of success, especially if they like eating that certain food in the first place!


The next reason why I think that it's important to learn about herbs and to be educated on them and to view them as a viable option is because more medication isn't always the answer. I see so many of my elders around me that aren't interested in herbs, they're on medications and what they find is that they'll just be prescribed from one pill to two pills. Doctors tend to add on something else when the medicine is less effective. How much study actually goes into the different drug and drug interactions?

Everyone's always wondering how herbs negatively interact different medications but how do they how do they balance one another or how do they work with one another (the drugs)? What kind of contraindications do they cause? There's not enough studies done on this and so you shouldn't keep adding more and more pills.

Six different things happening in the body at one's time, is that really is that beneficial? Does that really make sense? Don't forget patients are taking medications without giving the body a break- is that something that's good too to do to your body when it naturally wants to heal itself?

Hopefully by explaining some of my thoughts on why I think it's important to use herbs, it can help you understand why you need to be a little bit more informed on herbalism as a health care professional.

You want to be more informed because people are going to ask you these questions. People, since the pandemic started, are trying to learn about herbs and look at alternative forms of medicine. People are now going to have these questions and you have to also adapt and be able to answer answer these questions for them. It's better for everyone when you're more informed you have much more options to work with. With optioning options everybody's happy and there's something for everybody when it comes to herbs!

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